The best audience for us it's... Us.
I think this is one of the inherent problems of this community. We like to make comics, and we would like that our comics reached a large audience. However, how many of us actually read each other works? I'm the first one guilty of this. I think the explanation is that as readers we want to spend our precious time reading only the best things, so we tend to read actual famous manga, and this is the same thing that all readers do. Our first competitor are professional comics, of course, because few people would care about the effort we put in our comics, as imperfect as they can be. But you know who could care a little more? Other people who draw comics. So I'll try to actually read more comics of other still non professional people, and if we all started doing it it might be beneficial for the community. I also understand that in this sub there are really different levels of artists, and it can be really difficult to digest some of the roughest, but even there and advice or constructive criticism can be really useful.