Struggling to decide between Quest 3 or 3S

Hey! Sorry if this post is messy af, i'm posting this mostly because I am overthinking this way too much and want someone to clear my mind.

I want to buy one of them for christmas, since i have been interested on VR for the las 4-5 years, and I always wanted to have a headset at home. I really liked the experience on the Quest 3, but I don't know if it's a better idea to pay 220€ less and get the 3S, since it's my first headset. I'm also interested on looking on the second-hand market for them, but i don't know if the lack of warranty is worth it. I want to ask about how big the difference is betweent these two glasses, and which one is a better idea to get giving my situation, I have already looked up every detail about each headset, but I still cant decide. Thanks everyone, i know that this is probably asked here every week.