Button batteries and 3 am wake ups
I need to get this out there since I don’t think I’ll have anyone else to talk to about it for various reasons. My 22 month old son was at his grandparents for a couple hours last night. Grandpa was flying solo as Grandma was out with us. Our son is unusually tall and likes to grab anything off the table. I’ve given them the warning about button batteries. Anyways we come home from the event and I see a package of button batteries open and laying out on the kitchen table. Within reach. I mention it to my husband as we’re driving home and he says I need to say something. I ask him would grandpa know if he swallowed one or should we worry and at the time he brushes it off as we’d know. Fast forward to 3 am and I’m wide awake researching the dangers of button batteries trying to find something to send grandma and grandpa so they know to keep them locked up. My mind starts racing, what if he swallowed one? Oh my god. So then 4:30 am hits husband and son are soundly asleep, but I cannot shake this feeling so I nudge my husband up and ask him what should we do?
He loses his shit and slams his hand down multiple times, yelling “why are you doing this now?”. Our dog is terrified and cowers by me. Kiddo still sound asleep. He starts berating me: “Why didn’t I say something while we were there? Why did I wait until he was soundly asleep? What do I want him to do?” His reaction alarms me so I go quiet and hold my little one tight.
He’s like “You know I haven’t been sleeping well. Why now? Why wait? Answer me!” He paces a bit in the kitchen stares at us in doorway. Takes our dogs out. Comes back and repeats those questions? I said, “I didn’t think of it until I started reading about it. I already told them about button batteries and at the time thought surely he’d know if he swallowed one.”
He says, “I can't do keep doing this. If I don’t get a full nights sleep I’m going to blow my brains out." I calmly say but like a deer in headlights, "Go sleep in the guest room."
I stay in deer in headlights mode. I don't really have a fight or flight instinct anymore. Just freeze, that's been my go to in everything that feels overwhelming. That brings us to 5 am and me typing this out to Reddit anonymously since it’s the only place I can express myself without judgement.
I guess I don’t know what to do other than come to Reddit. I’m pretty sure I’m worrying about nothing, but what if I’m not? The package was open laying out on the table. It’s been 10 hours since we left their house. Little one is sleeping soundly and ate a grilled cheese for dinner, guzzled down some water, breastfed a bit, seemed fine. Is this one of my unnecessary displaced panics. Should I take my son to the ER? I guess that’s why I woke my husband up to get some guidance, but he turned it on me into why I didn’t “do the right thing” by saying something earlier.
I’m numb. Life is hard. I’m on medication for OCD, I do unnecessarily worry often. My little guy has an allergist appointment tomorrow and I’ll have my husband mention my concerns there, I guess. I don’t know.
For some added context. I work full time (odd hours depending on time of year). Husband is a SAHD. Things are usually pretty good, but he does have a temper occasionally, he knows this. Never physical except at inanimate objects (slamming down hands). Gesturing wildly. I’m not sure what I’m trying to say here. I’m sure this will pass. I guess I’m still worried about little man and the carelessness of leaving out button batteries like that. I also was not expecting that reaction.
Anyway, thanks for listening.