Whose fucking stupid fucking idea was it to not put any locks or any other fucking security on the doors of the rooms?
Yes, yes, I know it's talked about in the game, and it literally wouldn't happen if it did. Yes, yes, I know what's in the important places to protect the merch, medical instruments, etc.
But why the fuck don't they put one in the crew quarters? Seriously, at best you're putting a bunch of people who probably don't know each other on a starship for trips that can last for years. They don't care if the crew outnumbers men/women 5 to 1. And come on they have fucking guns on board. Not security weapons like tasers or pepper sprays, no. Knives, axes, and even a fucking gun. Seriously, I know this is an example of the late (LATE) stage capitalism we are heading for, but come on a lock costs 5 fucking euros on amazon and Swansea can hang it up in the 5 minutes a day he isn't drunk dancing or doing other Swansea things