A Boy And His Dog

This is a post I have wanted to write for a very long time as I felt it was one of the most important ones and to me personally it had a touching story and it is one of my all-time favorites.

For whoever hasn’t read it yet and to avoid any spoilers, please pick up The Power Of Awareness and go to chapter 23, Case Study three.

Please read that first, as you can find on on page 44:


So the story is mainly about a little boy who has a burning desire to have a dog.

In a way, I felt that this story represented you and the way the desire is being realized.

You are that little boy.

His parents didn’t want him to have a dog at all and his dad even had a deep dislike for dogs while even his grandmother kept telling him that he couldn’t have a dog and reminded him of it.

Those parents reflect your problems playing a big part in getting what you want.

The grandmother reflects the evidence of your senses telling you that this is reality and everything else is just fake.

The little boy did not care.

He did not care at all…

It is also mentioned in the story that his desire to have a dog was intense and that he just believed this would work without any further questions.

So, every night in his imagination he felt the reality of having a dog meaning he felt its fur while he petted the dog, played with the dog and took it for a walk.

He made sure he just filled his mind with this.

The dog was already his in the nightly imaginal act.

Whatever happened afterwards was an amazing and unsuspecting bridge of incidents including an essay and then he even won that contest, having been awarded with a puppy.

And not just some puppy, no.

The exact same race of dog he wanted…

So this was a specific dog, which was also an SP in a way.

You can see how this is your story as all elements are in there and the instructions on how to manifest your desire in a simple way.

Also, you can see that the dog was not magically delivered to the boy’s front door by someone meaning that we don’t know “how” the realization will happen but that it simply will come in some way that will completely surprise you.

I just wanted to share this wonderful story with you and show you how easy it really is.

So what are the key elements here?

  • The boy had an INTENSE DESIRE
  • He IGNORED the reality (His grandmother)
  • He TURNED AWAY from his problems (His parents wishes against the dog)
  • He IMAGINED a scene of the end result, though a few

So, it is actually very interesting to see how this simple story shows us the instructions on what to do.

It is also funny to notice that the boy apparently had a “devil may care” attitude which is the one attitude we should have.

Like the little boy said: “ I know now how to get a dog!” , is what you should say and understand as well after having read that story.

Remember that whatever you want is already yours and all you need to do is to claim it just like the little boy in this story.

You can do this.
