every weird girl needs her cat
I think I knew from a young age,
that I was different,
strange even.
And yet when I was little
it didn't bother me, not one little bit.
But as I grow older
I realise how much I care what others think
when in truth, I shouldn't.
People say an animal knows if someone's a good person,
and I think they're right.
Because as I write this
my cat, purrs by my waist
his paw kneading at my stomach.
It's a sort of comfort, really.
Having him here with me,
I think it makes me forget all my worries
and leaving me to feel content.
He knows I'm weird,
yet he doesn't stray,
laying by my side and I let out a soft sigh.
doesn't every weird girl need her cat?
(trying a free verse today. But yes my cat is actually laying next to me 😊)
1.https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/comments/1fipf1s/comment/lnm2gja/ 2.https://www.reddit.com/r/OCPoetry/comments/1fj045n/comment/lnm1zy7/