Did this ever happened to u ,??
Couple of nights ago my low power bulb went off so i had to turn off the lights cz i can't sleep in light . I always lock my doors before sleeping as my mother told me to . I live alone at top floor . Last night i was watching reels and my feed is full of memes and all of a sudden i got this Islamic reel in which the person was saying that never ever keep the doors opened at nights because these small shayaatiin$ they are capable of playing with your body and your mind and they can disturb u while ur asleep I got scared and when i saw my door was half opened at 3 am............f'ckkkkk man...... I didn't slept the whole night astaghfirullah maybe because our emaan is very low and we don't recite these beautiful dua's islam gave us . And diseases like mental disorder , split personality shit .....they all are getting common..............