[PC] H: Giveaway W: Just helping out :]
With the DLC upon us, I thought it would be a fun idea to provide any base game equipment you folks may be missing, so that you're all set (without regret) for your journey into the Land of Shadows :]
My inventory contains the following:
- All weapons at +0 and +25/+10 (x2)
- All shields at +0 and +25/+10
- All AoW
- All armors
- All talisman
- Lord's Rune stacks (1 per person)
How to Participate
- Leave a comment with your in-game name and requested items (8 max)
- Place your duelist sign at the Church of Elleh w/ the password "CHM3"
- Pick up items (quickly)
- Profit
Suggested Format
IGN: Tarnished
Bandit's Curved Sword
Millicent's Prosthesis
White Mask
Rune Stack
(IMPORTANT) Rules, Clarifications, and Other Information
- The password is "CHM3"
- This giveaway is for PC only
- Please do not send me a DM with your request, as they will be ignored (no offense :[ )
- 8 items max per person
- Only +0 or max level equipment will be provided. No custom upgrades
- Do not request +25/+10/max level weapons if you do not own one yourself. (Game will prevent you from even seeing it)
- Armor set pieces count as separate items
- Please use the Duelist Furled Finger, otherwise your sign will be ignored
I will be begin processing your request once I reply with something like, "be with you momentarily". Have your sign ready soon after receiving my response. If I don't see your sign within a reasonable amount of time, I'll move on to the next request. I'll check back after each subsequent trade for it's presence.
Karma is not required, but always appreciated :]
I will try to fulfill everyone's requests expeditiously, but please remain patient as I'm still new at this lol
Special Thanks: u/Hollowed-User, u/joewhitehead365 and u/TDegrees