Sometimes roblox makes me mad 😬

So people can scam others, trash talk you in chat board and in trade yet I joined a lobby and posted twice that I was trading a new gold titanic jellyfish and was deactivated lol I was in middle of a trade when I was logged out and that message popped up and had to agree i wouldn't do it again to reactivate account 😑 I'm guessing the person I canceled trade few mins before reported me, as they seemed salty I had a titanic and bunch of huges telling me to get a job and a life...

So people can scam others, trash talk you in chat board and in trade yet I joined a lobby and posted twice that I was trading a new gold titanic jellyfish and was deactivated lol I was in middle of a trade when I was logged out and that message popped up and had to agree i wouldn't do it again to reactivate account 😑 I'm guessing the person I canceled trade few mins before reported me, as they seemed salty I had a titanic and bunch of huges telling me to get a job and a life...