navel piercing - looks like rejection, its very scarred.
i've had this in for 2 months have been cleaning it with saline daily but went through a rough patch where i had to switch out the metal jewelry for something with lighter balls because it was embedding. this is where i'm at right now and the hole from the embedding closed up very well but now the surrounding area wont heal. should i take this out? oddly enough the hole on the bottom is fine but the top part is just not having it. ive had no yellow discharge, only clear discharge which i assume is normal wound discharge. my main issues right now is that the inside of the hole feels (and looks) swollen like a potential keloid or infection? im unsure. other than that it does hurt when it brushes against things and it flops to the side naturally (idk what other information to add so ill just reply to whatever yall have to say).