Top 10 Worst Plants in PvZ2

10: Cabbage Pult: The Problem with Cabbage Pult is because of how useless it is, cabbage pult was designed target zombies behind Gravestones then you later unlock Bloomerang by a small amount of levels later which just does the job better, it’s firing rate is just bad and it can barely even kill a conehead

9: Pepper Pult: Pepper Pult is a plant with so much potential but like Cabbage Pult It’s just useless, it has a AWFUL recharge that takes 20 minutes which considering how fast levels are in PVZ2, you can only use him like two or 3 times, its firing rate is just bad and it’s overshadowed by plants like Hot potato, Fire Pea and Torchwood

8: Endurian: his concept sounds cool on paper but the problem is his damage and health, he barely even does any damage at all so let alone even kill a conehead but the main problem is his health, his health is literally lower then a damn Wallnut which just destroys the useful of the plant it also has a bad recharge of 15 seconds the same as potato mine

7: Electric Blueberry: Neon Mixtape tour day 31 made her feel like a really amazing plant but if you actually use her her flaws will be exposed, the main problem is her awful range, she will randomly just zap any zombie even ifs a zombie who has lost his hand, her range is so unpredictable and she won’t zap the exact zombie you want like a gargantuar, also her recharge is bad

6: Tallnut: Tallnut has very high health and really good at stalling zombies but the main problem is how much useless he is, he’s quickly overshadowed by plants like Primal Wallnut the basic wallnut, Stunion and other plants, his main use is to counter the Bull rider imps but you can easily counter them by simply planting a cheap plant like puff shroom or sunflower to stall the bull, his other usage is to counter flying zombies such as balloon zombies seagull zombies bug zombies etc but why do you need that when you can just use blover, tallnut is basically just a worser version of wallnut with 75+ and overshadowed by many other plants

5: Spring Bean: do I really need to explain?

4: Intensive Carrot: it’s concept is very cool but it just doesn’t work, it’s 100 sun cost does not justify its value and it’s more of a waste of seed slot, instead of wanting to revive expensive plants like winter melon and banana launcher, you can just simply plant them at the back of the lawn which doesn’t let the zombies get close to them and you can just replant also when you actually plant a now plant over the dead one you can’t revive the dead one anymore and it’s better to just replant the plant if it’s cheap (I said “plant” many times here didn’t lmao)

3: Phat beet: the thing is it barely does any damage and In the world he is in (neon mixtape tour) he’s easily screwed by zombies such as Punk, Glitter and ESPECIALLY MC Zom-B, his sun cost is 150 which is just a waste, his plant food ability also barely does damage but the only positive is he’s immune to boom box zombie but why need him when you can just use insta kills on boom box

2: Seaflora: everything about her is just bad, her design looks like a drunk hentai girl, her animation is just so awful, her attacks BARELY do any damage and her plant food ability is just a worse version of coconut cannon, she’s pretty much just a worser version of cactus and she doesn’t even have any good reason to exist

1: Garlic: I seriously want to know why is he even in PVZ2 to begin with, he has no use at all, he “can” be useful in Jurassic marsh but I literally managed to beat Jurassic marsh first time without even using him once (minus that one advertisement for grapeshot) but you can literally just use hot date and sweet potato to do the job better, he’s also terrible against non eating zombies which you would have to use his plant food ability which is also just bad, and there are literally eating zombies immune to his effect such as robo cone zombie, shield zombie and some others