Title is pretty clear lol - I’m pretty frustrated with this pokemon scalper now and I think it’s time we affect their pull on the UK pokemon market. They are a completely unethical business with the sole purpose of cashing in on the Pokemon hype. Whoever runs this store is genuinely a bad person that is only money-oriented.

Increases the prices by +£30-40 every time Tiktok store has coupons even though they get paid the full amount.

Obsidia will ban you from their store for leaving less than a 5 star review - even though they do not reply to their messages, so a review is the only way they will respond to you.

Poor quality control - uses the excuse that this store is not for collectors, so expect rips/tears in your sealed packaging. If you complain, you will be banned.

Terrible attitude - They understand that they are high on the Pokemon monopoly so they have a disgusting attitude problem that can be seen in their reviews.

I think if we can affect their store rating and sales then we can combat their prices + attitude. There is no more space for scalpers in this community!

TLDR; boycott obsidia_tcg because they are scalpers and are bad for the Pokemon community.

EDIT: This keeps getting downvoted now which leads me to believe that Obsidia have found this post 😂