Looking to touch trade to complete dex!
Trying to complete the dex for the Shiny Charm. (Sorry in advance for the long list!)
What I need:
036 Lotad
037 Lombre
038 Ludicolo
058 Bellossom
071 Arcanine
109 Hitmonchan
110 Hitmontop
158 Garbodor
170 Gigalith
173 Conkeldurr
198 Jolteon
200 Espeon
201 Umbreon
202 Leafeon
207 Appletun
211 Slurpuff
212 Spritzee
213 Aromatisse
219 Sirfetch’d
222 Croagunk
223 Toxicroak
236 Corsola
237 Cursola
244 Salandit
245 Salazzle
257 Togepi
258 Togetic
259 Togekiss
266 Rhyperior
283 Vullaby
284 Mandibuzz
291 Malamar
322 Vibrava
333 Ponyta
334 Rapidash
339 Trevenant
342 Oranguru
346 Drampa
362 Lunatone
370 Eiscue
374 Dracozolt
375 Arctozolt
377 Arctovoish
382 Sivally
383 Larvitar
384 Pupitar
385 Tyranitar
Thanks for all help!