Keeping my 2 Unite subscriptions
Hi! This game is very special to me. It's the game that I play with my 8 year old daughter. She loves pokemon and loves the game.
Its our very special moment everytime she comes to my house. It's a strong bond. I am divorced, and I can't see her every day. When she is here with me its all fun. We got to Master rank twice already.
You guys just need to think:
What this game means to you? Do you wish that it evolves and continues to grow? Does it make you happy?
Just support it the way you can. If its not subscription, buy some gems here and there. Me, personally, will always support it because of the special meaning I told you guys.
Before I finish, don't complain for the sake of complaining. Be nice. Encourage ppl you know to play the game.
Be well.