Finally got my girls! Any first time owner mistakes to avoid?

Hello friends! First of all, I've been lurking here a while - and this sub is absolutely one of the most wholesome subs I have ever seen. I love seeing all the love for the lil babies ❤️

Now, I've wanted rats for years! But I've waited until I was certain I'd be able to spend enough time with them, and have a home that was suitable. Finally I got my two girls - Pasta and Pesto. (Names are still being tested - I'm open to suggestions haha)

I'm still waiting for their proper cage - Savic Suite Royale 95, in the mean time, I was wondering if anyone has any "I wish someone told me this sooner" tips or knowledge for me? I've watched a lot of intro videos and feel quite prepared, but I find listening to others' personal experience is always more useful.

Did you make any mistakes? Anything you would do differently if you started over again? Must haves for their cage? Pro tips that are usually forgotten?

Thank you all, and I love seeing all the other pics here ❤️❤️