First time really needing a critical pov
Plat 2, PS5, Punisher/Starlord (I'm a DPS main)
I just finished a match that left me feeling quite frustrated, as it was a stark departure from my usual gameplay experiences. Typically, I either secure easy wins or face overwhelming defeats, rarely finding myself in a close match. However, this particular game was confusing, and I struggled to understand my performance and the dynamics of the encounter.
I found myself unsure of how to adapt my playstyle to counter the opposing team effectively. Who should I have chosen to play to counter their characters?
My team, including myself, felt significantly underpowered. We couldn't effectively counter their Wolverine and Moon Knight, and it seemed like their C&D was using their ultimate ability far more frequently than we were able to use ours. Their diver seemed nearly invincible while I was getting clapped hard.
After 80 hours of gameplay, this match highlighted some crucial areas for improvement that I had previously overlooked. It’s clear that I need to delve deeper into understanding the game's mechanics and strategies. Questions like: Who are my priorities? How to get them? Should i use my ult to counter defensive ults? Should i wait until they finish all their ults? And many other you could give me
I believe that addressing these questions will not only enhance my gameplay but also reignite my enthusiasm for the game (this match really broke me). For now, though, I need to take a break and reflect on what I've learned from this match. Thanks you for any help :)
5034856634 <- Replay ID Markeyth <- My profile if you cant find the replay