The Seven Deadly Sins drawing is finished, kinda. [Please read the body text]
I'm posting this since the original idea was only making the Seven Deadly Sins at first, i will make the other three soon, but for now i'm only gonna post these, I will now add some descriptions for those that have been drawn right now in an order based on who i drew from first to last drawn (i have no idea whether i'm making any sense or not):
- u/Dojyaaan4C Your avatar's character sheet: Race: Giant/Unknown (Unknown means a race that isn't in the original show) Height: 11 meters (24 if you also count the tail) Weapon: Triple barreled shotgun Sacred Treasure: Red dress, it's effect occasionally generates a malleable gold that solidifies when in contact with another metal, not fusing with it however, this allows the user to create infinite ammo for the shotgun. Magic: None. Power of chaos: Positive (The power of chaos is shown through the characters having either a gross amount of twisted limbs or black sclerals, so while not that visible due to the shading, it is there). Sin: Greed.
Personal considerations: This was the first avatar i drew for this challenge, it was surprisingly easy to draw, considering that it's humanoid.
- u/Eshret Your avatar's character sheet: Race: Nephilim. Height: 6'9 feet. Weapon: Since you didn't add the sword later, i made one based on one of Meliodas' old swords since i used him as reference, this sword is meant to represent a Nephilim's dual nature. Magic: Light and Darkness. Power of chaos: Negative. Sin: Envy.
Personal considerations: I took a lot from Meliodas as a reference for this drawing, the resemblances with the description you gave me made it easy to adapt the body type, i just had to make your avatar taller than Meliodas and give four wings instead of two, it was kinda difficult for some reason, but i'm satisfied with the results.
- u/43ll0s Your avatar's character sheet: Race: Unknown. Height: Unknown. Weapon: None. Magic: None. Skill: Extreme Durability. Power of chaos: Negative. Sin: Gluttony.
Personal considerations: Making this avatar was very easy, it was fun too to be honest, also, why does your avatar look marketable for some reason?
- u/Striking_Addendum221 Your avatar's character sheet: Race: Demon. Height: 5'9 feet. Weapon: Scythe. Sacred Treasure: Fragment of the corrupted god (I had no idea how to make it, so pretend it's in the eye, sorry). Magic: Hell's Flame (Funnily enough, Meliodas has a similar move in the actual show), Corruption, Bloodlust. Power of Chaos: Positive (The black scleral is a symbol of chaos' presence) Sin: Lust.
Personal considerations: I think that out of all the drawings i made currently, this is one of the best i've ever made, although i kinda forgot to add those chain-like things on the hat, i'm only noticing it now, sorry 😅.
- u/OscarHengenius Your avatar's character sheet: Race: Human. Height: 5'10 feet. Weapon: The Thunder Cutter Sword. Sacred Treasure: Holy Tree's Sword, Holy Tree's Shield. Magic: Lightning magic. Power of Chaos: Negative. Sin: Pride.
Personal considerations: As you can see, i made some changes, sorry about that, but i didn't know where to put the pride symbol, so i followed the reference i used to make that extra part. Also, there are no sword versions of Chastiefol, so i decided to use Helbram's sword as a replacement and made a shield that works like you wanted the spear to, lastly, i thought that, since your avatar has lightning magic, riding a black cloud full of lightning inside of it would have looked cool, sorry for all the changes.
6 u/Thelayl Your avatar's character sheet: Race: Human. Height: 5'5 feet. Weapon: None. Commandment: Love. Magic: Darkness (Due to the commandment). Power of Chaos: Negative. Sin: Wrath.
Personal considerations: This one was fun to draw, although i was very unsure on how to make it work, however, i think the end result is satisfying.
- u/Bananacatthatdance Your avatar's character sheet: Race: Human. Height: 6'3 feet. Weapon: Darkness Katana (A katana that harnesses the power of demons to make it stronger, thought it would have been cool.) Magic: None. Power of Chaos: Negative. Sin: Sloth.
Personal considerations: Drawing this one was honestly a breeze, the resemblance with Gojo was uncanny, so i used him as reference for it, also, since you didn't specify whether you would have liked a weapon that moved with telekinesis or weapons made out of either darkness or light, i made both a weapon that moves with telekinesis and is partially made out of darkness, i hope you don't mind that i took initiative, i just thought it would have looked cool.
And that's it for now, i will be posting the other 3 drawings for this project soon (i hope).