How tf do you actually play 3s??
Im mostly a duos player in Champ 1 but yesterday I played casual 3s with my brother (also C1 in duos) and a friend who hasnt played in awhile (about diamond level). It was an absolute cluster fuck. We lost a lot of games and i believe it was partly my fault because i just simply dont understand the type of plays i should be making. Its impossible to slowdown the play as someone is always on the ball it seems and almost every hit was just a random boom towards the opposing side. No chance for solo plays, just a ball chasing mess. It was also a light hearted session so we werent really sweating too hard but it just wasnt enjoyable to never get a chance to play the ball. Just felt like constant ping pong. Is this the way 3s always is and if so, what are some tips to dominate in this mode when it seems like everyone is just “see ball, hit ball”