Which mechanic(s) triggers you the most while defending?

If you fake me I'll laugh and watch the replay. If you air dribble, flip reset, ceiling shot, double tap etc on me, I'll give you props. If you get a nice powershot I'll acknowledge it but still skip the replay and forget it happened. If you hit a redirect or do a passing play I'll be very suprised and send a "Great Pass!" or "Nice Shot!" If you flick on me, I'll be mildly annoyed for reading and timing my challenge/shadowing well enough. But if you powerslide cut or bounce dribble over me by reading my read of your bounce or cut... I will be angerey.. Especially if I already knew you were going to do it and you still manage to get it around me anyways via direction changing or slowing it down at the last moment (not to be confused with the random fake here and there). The funny thing is that this directly reflects my inferiority in reading the other player and I know it deep down. So it's more directed inwards.

So which mechanics piss you off or annoy you the most, even if you may be able to pull them off yourself, but still get outplayed by them every now and then?