More from the rehearsal dinner, which I guess was done by the Rods. And more unfounded medical claims for Plexus.
The table was the work of Mahmo, as many guessed. And it sounds like it was hosted by Shrek and Shriek, so they can sort of class it up while still Jillifying every available surface when they want to impress somebody. Shrek prayed over them and then everyone sang. They had to throw a baby in the arms of the bride to remind her that this will be her life now and forever. Jill felt the need to remind us that she’s close friends with Ellen. Renee is looking frightfully thin.
Finally, she claims constipation can be “cured” with Plexus laxatives; which may be true but I don’t think it’s legal to say so with supplements. I guess she’s wanting to go to the Bahamas.