Town Map & Rules

Are you lost? Do not panic, dear visitor. This board has been specifically made for visitors to our town who have found themselves lost.

Below this message is a given map of the town. The exit has been dutifully marked in red for you. We highly recommend taking a photo for ease of access.

If you wish to stay within the town for any reason at all, please respect the rules if you plan to stay for long. They will be posted beside the map in bold text for ease of access. May you stay safe on your journey.


  1. When passing by the cemetery, please pay your respects by bowing before them before continuing on your journey.
  2. Do not litter; it attracts unwanted vermin. Beside this board should be a trash bin for you.
  3. Do not vandalise the board, its map, or any of the rules, as they were made to assist with visitors who may be unfamiliar with the town's traditions.
  4. If your path is to be blocked off by snails and/or slugs, do not attempt to bring them any harm. They will leave on their own if you give them patience.
  5. The town curfew is by 10pm.
  6. Any map that is provided to you besides the one posted on this board is likely to be counterfeit. We urge visitors to please discard any false map they may acquire, as they will almost always lead to non-existent areas or get you lost from the town.
  7. There was no "town treasure," there is no "town treasure," and there never will be any "town treasure." We are currently looking into where this rumor started.
  8. The wearing of dark clothing is greatly discouraged, as it attracts dark energy into the town.
  9. If you encounter an item that has been left unattended, there is a Lost & Found north of the medical centre. Please deposit the item there. Otherwise, inform the nearest town officer.
  10. When crossing the bridge, it is strongly recommended to ignore any and all images of people appearing to be swept away by the current below, no matter how much they may scream.
  11. If you feel as though you are being watched, make as much noise as you possibly can. This will give you a better chance of whatever it is that is watching you to leave you be.
  12. If you are pursued by a faceless, humanoid being, please make your way to the nearest indoor building as soon as possible.
  13. Do not attempt to touch any "melting" street lamps you may encounter. They are excruciatingly hot. Inform the nearest town officer if you are to encounter one.
  14. No photos are to be taken of the town's statue, as it is considered one of the town's most sacred artifacts.
  15. Do not feed the wildlife; we do not wish to be overrun by them once again.
  16. Remain well-informed.

For any enquiries and/or complaints, visit the town official's secretary between the operating hours of 8 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. If you require assistance past operating hours, please call: XXX-XXX-XXX-XX. Safe travels, visitors, and welcome to our town.