Milchick's statue

So I thought I recognized this statue the first time I saw this scene... I am pretty sure it's a statue of the rabbit duck illusion, and I think it is very fitting for Severance. In order to avoid butchering the message I'm trying to get across, I'll include quotes from the Wikipedia article about the rabbit duck illusion below and then add some thoughts.

"Wittgenstein, as Shirley Le Penne commented, employed the rabbit–duck illusion to distinguish perception from interpretation. If you see only a duck, you would say "this is a duck", but once you become aware of the duality you would say "now I see it as a rabbit". You may also say "it's a rabbit–duck", which, for Wittgenstein, is a perceptual report."

"Thomas Kuhn used the rabbit–duck illusion as a metaphor for revolutionary change in science, illustrating the way in which a paradigm shift could cause one to see the same information in an entirely different way."

"Uriel Abulof said that the illusion crystallizes the interplay between freedom (choice) and facticity (forced reality). If you see just a duck, you may need to actively choose to work on seeing the rabbit too, and once you do, to then choose which you see at any given point. While submitting that "once you see the duck you cannot unsee it", Abulof said that "trying to unsee what we already did might be less about choosing one perspective over another but about negating one, so that we don't have to choose."

So we see this illusion representing themes of duality, perception and interpretation, technological paradigm shifts, freedom and forced reality, and choice. These themes all relate so well to Severance.

Specifically, Mark chooses to undergo reintegration in this same episode, since "trying to unsee what he already did," that is the realization that Gemma is alive, was impossible. So he chose the third path to become one and integrate the duality that is himself, all brought upon him by the paradigm shift of the technology of severance...

Or it's just a duck.