Generally considered a controversial take on the SOR by a non offender
I first wanted to state that I'm not justifying any of the crimes by stating my opinion on this matter. But I personally think seeing SO living on the streets, especially in states like Florida because of all the restrictions, is just completely inhumane. After researching and debating this issue for about the past year, I really think the SO registry is doing way more harm than good. TL;DR Everyone deserves a second chance, and the SO registry is hindering people from becoming a part of normal society again.
In my personal opinion, I don't necessarily see anything wrong with a SOR, even though I do believe it to be quite redundant considering the overwhelming majority of all sex crimes are committed by first-time offenders. I know just about everyone would feel uncomfortable having their child around someone who committed a sex crime, myself included, but for me I would never leave my child alone with any adult male even if I was their good friend, considering just about every person who commits a sex crime is male. When it comes to the SOR though, I don't have a problem with showing people in a 2-3 mile radius of where you live who has committed a crime against children, and only children, because the SOR is filled with people who committed crimes against adults and it's pointless to have them on there if the intent is to protect children. It should only stay within 2-3 miles, and it should remain completely private and sealed otherwise. I know in many states they require you to tell your neighbors and go door-to-door and hand out cards saying your a SO. I think this is completely wrong because all it's doing is publicly humiliating yourself.
The second issue I have with the SOR is the heavy amount of complicated restrictions they put on it. I'm a firm believer in the constitution, and I believe these restrictions violate so many constitutional rights, especially the first (freedom of assembly) and the eighth (cruel and unusual punishment). I believe after you do your time you should be allowed to enter back into society and have the same rights as everyone else. I do believe however it should be illegal for SO to work directly with children, such as being a teacher, a tutor, a babysitter, etc. Somewhere where you're in close contact or could potentially be in close contact. The reason why I believe this should be the case is with many other crimes, for example financial crimes, if you commit financial fraud working for a bank, you're no longer trusted to work at a bank. I think whether a SO is allowed to be on school property is debatable, but I do believe it could potentially violate the right to freedom of assembly, not to mention many SO have children and families. However restricting it to where they have to be 1000 feet away from a school is insane. Sometimes you can't even see a school within 1000 feet because there's other buildings and landmarks blocking it. Being forced to live outside of certain communities I think is completely wrong as well, especially when it gets to the point where people are forced to be homeless. Not allowing them to use the internet is wrong as well.
All of this being said, I really think the SO registry is doing a lot more harm to the offenders than good for them and society in general. I believe in giving everyone, not just SO, a second chance after coming out of prison. The SO registry nowadays, and especially in many right-leaning states is hurting SO from becoming a part of normal society. I find it extremely ironic how conservatives talk about freedom and justice for all, equal rights given by our creator, and with a lot of them being Christian having the Bible talking about forgiveness and love, just decide to put the most inhumane restrictions on people and treat them like garbage instead of trying to help them.
I thought it's interesting that we have a SOR and not anything like a murder or assault registry, which are both significantly higher on the recidivism rate than SO are. I would love to know who has assaulted or murdered someone so I can stay far away from them. I just think it's extremely ironic.