UPDATE: Mika’s brain surgery (TW hospital images if you swipe)

Pre-surgery photo first - swipe for some hospital pics. She had her surgery yesterday. There were some complications with hemorrhaging and brain swelling that required them to open a larger hole in the skull that they weren’t able to completely cover due to the swelling. Things were touch and go overnight but today she’s walking and eating. They’re waiting to see if she can pee on her own. She seems not to have vision in her right eye and is exhibiting similar motor symptoms on her right side as she had during the worst of the tumour. We’re waiting to see how much of that clears up.

Thank you so much everyone for your well wishes! At this time it seems like our little Sib may have some lasting disability but we don’t know how much - and she should be able to have a happy life for several more years yet. She’s only 6, so hopefully at least 10 more years!