Tribbie, Robin or Sunday?
For context my teams are fei with aven, march and moze/ruan mei/sparkle, and acheron, gui, pela, fuxuan. I also just got myself the herta and I’m running her with serval for battery, luocha and rmc. Everyone e0s0 beside Acheron s1 and sparkle s1
I thought I was sure about pulling robin, then decided tribbie is the better option but now I don’t know anymore. For anyone who understands the kits better, is tribbie viable for feixiao too? Not bis obviously but is she better then other harmonies? I really don’t like robin but skipping her twice felt like every single team needed her and she was single-handedly held my account back. But tribbie may end up more future proof with new meta so idk anymore. Or maybe I should just skip them all and wait for Sunday rerun