Why doesn't talon's passive get proc'd by his abilities?

Has this ever been something talon mains asked for? I feel like it would buff his team-fighting so much more.

For example, in a team-fight: Talon jumps over a wall. He W's 2 people, and then immediately ults. This (means there are 2 passive stacks on those 2 people). While he is invisible, the W blades return. As the returned W blades hit the 2 people, they have 3 passive stacks. That means that when the ult blades return it procs the passive damage.


Is that just too much to ask for? I labbed it out and it just didn't feel like it would be that overpowered and more like a quality of life buff. Since the passive proc by ability would only ever happen if your ult were to be involved. And I feel like being an assassin, burning your whole kit and ult, you should at least have that benefit no? If it won't be with his basic attacks, it would be from another CD cycle on his abilities, which is extremely unlikely in early to mid game since you don't have that many points into abilities and ability haste yet.

Also considering if the passive were to be proc'd by his Q ability- I'd argue that it doesn't make that much of a difference. Since the Q ability has a known feature to instantly reset an auto-attack. It would just apply the bleed after. The passive would read like this:

Innate: Talon's abilities apply a stack of Wound to enemy champions and large monsters hit for 6 seconds, refreshing on basic attacks and subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times.

Talon's next basic attack or ability hit against an enemy with 3 Wound stacks is empowered to consume them all to cause the target to bleed, dealing「 80 − 280 (based on level) (+ 210% bonus AD) total physical damage over 2 seconds, 」increased to 120% damage against monsters. The target cannot gain Wound stacks during this time.
