Game feels terrible for new players to play
I don’t know who has this much free time or is willing to waste so many hours of their life as a new player to learn every map, check every single corner for rats, or learn how to mod your guns properly to enjoy this game.
I watch and understand pro players who’ve played for years and it looks fun but as a new player this game is unbearable to play. Either I get killed constantly by people who have nothing else to do but grind this game and get to level 40 in the first month of wipe, or I die to people who sit in a corner and don’t move at all.
I don’t see how it’s fun for anyone, even watching streamers they getnpissed at the same reason. This game feels HORRIBLE as a new player and it just isn’t for me. I have 4 different friends who tried it out too and they quit within the first week.