doing readings in the comment section.
comment your question below and I'll pull a card (or few) for you. I'll reply to your comment with the reading. I'll be around for a couple hours from the time of posting this and might return to it tomorrow if there are more comments.
any questions are fine, and here's an optional theme: ask something like 'what are my positive qualities?', and I'll pull a few cards to describe something good about you. it can be generally, or it can be in any field of life, as you choose.
please put some thought into your question, take a moment to breathe and relax before you type. and keep in mind the answer may or may not be what you wanted to hear or agree with, but hopefully it gives you something new to think about.
topics to avoid:
- the usuals (medical, legal, death)
- please avoid asking 'how does xyz feel about me?' etc., I don't feel like doing those questions right now.
all readings are given for creative thinking purposes and are not binding.