Need help versus king.

King is so frustrating to play against and i know i can't be the only 1. Everyone hates him. Cant SS grabs so gotta duck or learn his 1 trillion grab combi. I remember watching phildx and he said and i quote "King is just very ambiguous to play against in high rank and he crushes low level players and casual." Me as a casual got my behind ravaged. I'm asking for help. I don't how the fuck to play against it. I spent 3hours in practice to and i know how to escape a few grab but the issue is the guy just mix it up and doesn't throw the same shit. If you guess wrong and duck, you get launch. Reading his hand is so hard when you dont spend 24/7 playing tekken. It's frigging Russian roulette 1, 2 or 1+2 and if he feels creative he throws a 3+4 for extra salt. Please higher lvl players share some tips so i can climb. Ladder in tekken is incredibly difficult. Win a game vs purple gain 300points then you get matched with a bushin king and loses 500. Please don't say "get good" I'm already in top percentile as a battle ruler. I need some actual tips that i can work on. Also, i am checking replays but i can't deal with the 50/50 and arguably the best heat smash in the game.