perhaps an unpopular opinion...

i really like the changes to the matchmaking. i really shouldn't be matched with someone 200k less prowess than me. even on an alt. there is a vast difference in experience and knowledge that i feel is accurately measured by prowess. you can win matches only using jab if your opponent doesn't have the experience to vary their approach or know their frames.

I understand that when i'm playing on an alt, I'm less experienced piloting the character. and as such i expect to lose more. I understand that when i'm playing a character i have 1/4 of the matches played and time spent labbing, it SHOULDNT attain the same rank as my main. it should be more difficult for me to attain that rank. and that more mastery with this character can only come from playing others at a similar level as me.

If i go against someone lower rank, my wins are more likely to be attributed to gimmicks and getting away with murder, which was definately the case prior to this change.

in my opinion prowess has nothing to do with your ability to pilot whatever character you're currently playing. it's a measurement of your experience in tekken and general character knowledge across the cast. both of those things are applicable no matter the character your playing and should be the filter used for matchmaking.

as for some things others have said, I actually really appreciate matching against the same person. longer sets always favor the better player. whether that be me or the other person doesn't matter. It's an opportunity to have a more accurate representation of who's "better"

idk, it works for me. but i am sorry to hear so many not enjoying t8.