DEI For Dorks Has Ruined the World

We hear about DEI this DEI that. DEI criticisms are focused on the wrong population imho.

Society has had Extreme DEI for Dorks arguably since 2010 and in that time it has ruined the world.

‘Oh be kind to dorks, they are a people who historically were shoved in lockers and bullied as children’

Fuck that. That shit is over. We are living in a world where dorks are NOT shoved into lockers and this is what it looks like. It fucking sucks.

Bully dorks again. It doesn’t matter how much money they make. Shove them down in puddles, trip them and laugh, shove them in a bush for no reason, ridicule their lifestyle choices and interests.

You’re doing this for the good of society.

Comic book movies

AI and Tech running the economy

People spending all their time on Social Media

Kids being super into Anime

Rationalist Death Cults and Smelly Nerd Orgies

The biggest dorks in the country running the White House

Fucking awful

This is largely in response to the latest True Anon episode but that’s it. I can’t take it anymore. Bullying dorks is back on the menu.

EDIT: This is just a bit. Bullying is not good. Don’t bully anyone. Sincerest apologies for triggering anyone’s trauma.