Why Lone druid is unpicked in pro dota?

LD was crowned the most Op cancerous hero during TI. Capable of surviving 5 man ganks by 'walking away' & teams had to first phase ban.

Post TI he receives a few decent nerfs. 1) Stat Bonus no longer applies to items in the Neutral slot 2) Stat Bonus decreased from 50/60/70/80% to 30/45/60/75%. 3) lvl 15 savage roar talent nerf. -7 to -5 secs.

Now suddenly no one gives a fk abt him. No competitive presence zero, zip, nada.

Imo the nerfs only affect his early game by a bit & minimal from lvl 12. So his mid/late game is still just as good. With the aura meta gone, he can also easily flex between offlane & carry. Add on the fact that they r only few top carries - alch, pa, morph. LD is a good gotcha pick.

Why is he not picked in Pro dota at all?