Leftists, We Can Still Be Friends After This. I'll Allow It.

Listen, I know ya'll are having a bit of a meltdown at the moment because *checks notes* a man you don't like was duly elected. And yes, the both sides play this game, I am aware. However, you are the ones throwing a temper tantrum at the moment, so lets focus on that. When Donald Trump, who is in no way a fascist nor a dictator, leaves office in four years, can we just agree to cool it with the hate? Not everyone you disagree with is a Nazi, or even far right for that matter. No, he's not going to ban same s@x marriage, he been very clear about that. No, banning men from women's sports is not unpopular outside of a very niche community. Yes, the president gets broad executive power to put temporary holds on spending and to fire many types of executive branch employees. As commander in chief, he has the authority to fire almost any member of the armed forces. You know how I know none of these actions are "authoritarian"? Because both sides have used these powers extensively before, you just don't like not having it your way this time. That's okay, you can cry about it, just like the right did in 2020. That being said, how about we make 2028 the year we start acting like adults again? Sound like a plan?