Out of 1-7, how religious are you?
- Strong Atheist - "I know there is no god". I do not belive, I "know" it.
- Atheist [very low probability, almost zero] - "Aren't sure if they exist or not but live on assumption that god doesn't exist".
- Lower than 50% - "I do not know anything but I tend to be sceptical about god".
- Neutral, around 50% - Completely impartial, "God exist or not both are exactly equiprobable".
- Higher than 50% but not very high - 'I am very uncertain, but inclined to belive in god".
- Theist [very high probablity almost 100%] - "I am not certain, but I live on assumption that god do exist".
- Strong Theist - "I know that god do exist". With the same conviction as 1st they don't belive, they "know" it.
-- I am always roaming between "god doesn't exist" to "if they do, I am doing to sue them" 🫠.