I can explain how Grush’s wife legally viewed “very disturbing” information.
I’ve left a few comments that were buried, so I thought I’d provide a rational answer to have humans been harmed with “what I and my wife viewed is very disturbing and I can share in the Scif.
Background, I had a TS/SCI clearance for 13 years working in Guantanamo. I had a similar situation when wiki leaks which I will come back to.
If Grush received UNSOLICITED material that has not been classified and that is not otherwise classified (meaning Grush did have any other knowledge that such information is otherwise classified) he could freely show his wife before submitting it pursuant to his official duties. He probably cannot email it, or do anything else after showing someone in person and immediately turning it over pursuant to his duties. His wife was likely the only person around and he showed whatever was “very disturbing” for classification review. This has to be a split second decision OR perhaps his wife was the original recipient of the now classified marerial.
The government has now classified said material, but they cannot classify Grush’s wife’s thoughts. If the government denies existence now there are two witnesses (at least) who have viewed this very disturbing material.
This is similar to my Guantanamo representation. When Wikileaks occurred relating to my clients I was warned not to view the material because it is classified and could be out of my “compartment” or in other words what they are allowing me to view. To this day I have never viewed the Wikileaks material relating to Guantanamo as it would violate my security clearances with the government.
Let’s say someone came to my door with a package containing the Wikileaks material and my wife gets the package and she shows me. I know the material is classified- I cannot confirm or deny anything about the information to her, I would report the incident to the government and they would tell me what to do.
However, if the package is not classified to my knowledge, and she sees what’s in the package, those memories cannot be classified. If the information becomes classified, I cannot confirm or deny that fact to my spouse. However, if it’s not classified- I can tell her “do whatever you want” and can discuss the material. So she knows what the government thinks of the material.
There is one more level as applied to Grush- he has a duty to turn this information over pursuant to his job. That doesn’t stop him from saying “look at this honey” before turning it over. More importantly he is letting the public know his wife has viewed the “very disturbing” behavior, which gives him a witness albeit a biased one. Probably the only option he had to cover his back at the time.
TLDR- Grush’s wife viewed to very disturbing material before it was classified.
Edit: Tradecraft likely refers to the way he and DOD processed the evidence. Hypothetically and for example, “my wife received X and I did YZand K” The government then did FGand H. All of this is tradecraft and classified.
intelligence tradecraft is historically characterized as a process involving tasking, collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination (TCPED), and supports decision-making for military, defense, and intelligence operations.
And this doesn’t mean the evidence is good or real. I can come up with many scenarios where the evidence is not as it appears or is, but it still caused him to be very disturbed. Even inaccurate or explainable evidence can be very disturbing, even if it is explained at higher levels once classified which he obviously may not have access to. We have absolutely no idea what he saw on this topic.
For example- once they are fighting, the government sends him the unsolicited material that is disturbing to see if he distributes it to journalists or whomever before he turns it over. It could be some sort of false flag, who knows. I’m working off his words not conspiracy theories.