Baelin's Route. Thoughts?

For those of you who've seen it...what did you think? I was smiling so much throughout the whole thing and was in awe at the landscape of beautiful New Zealand. Loved Alan and Adam's cameos...poor Eugene, still lagging behind and sad. Lol...Even Ellie and David where there!

Loved Hamish and his wife...especially at the end after Baelin returned. Ben was awesome in his was the girl, Willow. And last but far from least, Rowan was just plain awesome. I'm so glad they kept his dialogue to Baelin's usual words and didn't add anything. Just by his acting the words became much more. I can totally see this having a part two to it. Ben's character hunts down Baelin, Willow calls for Baelin to return to her kingdom which is in peril....maybe more Alan and Adam in the next one...who knows. I'm so proud of the guys...they did a really great job and deserve any awards that can come for this.

UPDATE: Baelin’s Route has passed 1 million views in just over a day! 🏆