7 Years of training, 6’6 and 210lbs. Feeling like my progress is slow?
Started training at 18. I’m somewhat happy with the progress i’ve made. Considering that in the before photo I couldn’t do one pull up, and now im sitting at 13 pull ups, 15 dips and 10 pistol squats, while being much heavier. But I just can’t help it but to think my progress is very slow for 7 years of training? Maybe my perception of average progress/genetics has been skewed by social media. Around 90% of my training has been calistenics as I enjoy bodyweight training the most. Mostly following PPL. Core exercises I always do are Pull Ups, Bodyweight rows, Dips, Deficit Push Ups, Lateral Raises, Pistol Squats, Hypertensions, Split Squats, One Leg hip thrusts, tricep extensions, rings bicep curls. I’m always somewhere in the 10-15 rep range for all exercises and push the last sets to absolute failure. I don’t track macros, just trying to eat protein rich whole foods and cutting out the obvious crap. Sleep has been okayish, during school it definitely suffered a little, but for the last years its been on average 7-8h per night. Is it maybe time to start doing some barbell movements?