would you mind if your partner had wounds and scars on their body?
I have scars, hyperpigmentations, wounds and other skin imperfections on my body (back, arms, shoulders and chest) because I'm a chronic obsessive skin picker and I feel really insecure about it. They're not super bad but I'm very concious about them and I don't think they look THAT bad. My friends tell me that its not a big deal but it makes me feel unattractive :( I don't have a big problem with my body image, I just don't like how my skin looks at all. Plus I'm very pale so the hyperpigmentations on scars and wounds looks even more visible :( I was wondering if your partner had something like this would it be a turn off? I haven't told the person I'm gonna hook up with about my condition and insecurities and tbh I don't really wanna mention it.
edit: grammar