Eternity in Hell. Question for a Catholic priest if possible.

Too Long but informative Version before the question-I was raised Catholic and in my own life suffered cancer at 12 years old and a chemo induced stroke at 13. At 15, when I raced motorcycles professionally, I had a very bad crash and severe brain hemorrhaging. I was getting CT scans and MRIs every 15 minutes to help doctors decide if they would hope for the bleeding stop on its own or if they would have to drill my skull to release pressure and hope I wasn’t a vegetable. Eventually the bleeding stopped and I (28M) live a healthy life 13.5 years later. HOWEVER… 6 years after my motorcycle crash, my dad, one of the best people, if not THE best person I’ve ever known was diagnosed with incurable brain cancer. He was the best of his brothers and friends alike. After all I’d been through, he kept me strong and focused on getting better. Years later he got brain cancer. By many doctors, this cancer is rated #2 deadliest cancer as it has 0% survival rate and is only #2 because the widely recognized #1 is known to grow faster. My dad was incredibly active and only 2 months prior to his diagnosis was benching 315lbs (not a joke… the man was a machine…) for 3-4 sets of 12-15. He was incredibly healthy.

TLDR for what is above: I should’ve died 3 times before 16 years old and didn’t. My dad, best guy I’ve ever met died of cancer in his mid 50’s after a cancer diagnosis while in perfect health.

Now for my question:

Why would hell exist if God is all-forgiving? If reconciliation cleanses your soul, why could your soul not be granted grace after death? If you went to hell for something your imperfect human body decided to do, couldn’t you then go to hell and repent and be forgiven? Why would you be punished for eternity if your soul is innately pure and needed a little extra time to be forgiven and a little extra time to repent?

Not sure where all these thoughts came from. If you made it to this point of the comments, please know I appreciate you taking the time to read this.