When will Dany get to Westeros? (Spoiler Main)
I know the TWOW is going to be a long book but Im having doubt that she will make any significant headway toward to the Iron Throne(IT). She is on her way the Vaes Dothrak to meet with the Dosh Khaleen. Travel back to Meeren with probably more people, which could take longer. Then she has to finish business in Mereen, which could take longer due to the effects of war.
While on her way to Westeros she has to stop in Volantis and free the slaves there that are waiting for her. Thats a whole other war she has to commit to in the biggest slaving city in world. That's going to take some time possibly months.
In my eyes the only "mandatory" stop she has to left after Volantis is Pentos. Mostly due to the Tattered Prince, if he survives, but I would also love to see her confront Illyrio about Young Griff.
Wherever she lands in Westeros she will most likely also have to lay siege and take it from whoever occupies it. Us , as the readers know, her real fight is with Others up North and after she hears about them she will prioritize that over the IT because she is a protector first and foremost. To me this will possibly leave only a little time for her to actually make any type of play for the IT.
She has alot of POV characters with her granted so some of these plots could be unraveled from there POV instead and could make alot of things move faster. But I dont know I could see the book ending and her being at Winterfell or even on her way to King Landing. Wishfully thinking is that by the end of TWOW she would have claim and seized Dragonstone.