PG/VG legality after Mar 1st
Hey guys. Am wondering if after march 1st will be illegal to buy straight PG/VG to mix my own juice? I think I have enough nic to last a couple of years at least but it's the juice that I'll probably run out of.. I know 0 nic juice in all forms will be illegal to import but just unsure about the base PG/VG as I don't see this listed specifically in the laws/policy and can learn to mix my own flavours as I need.
Honestly am pissed about the changes and still holding out some hope for review/reform of the policy but I know that's not likely (especially for at least a few years).
Anyway any help/tips. Are welcome. I also looking to buy an RTA tank so I also don't need to stock up on too many coils.
Thanks in advance!