Just noticed I do (did) this…

I was contemplating the upcoming sale, and truth? I’m not doing back flips over any of the 2025 Everyday Luxuries…

But my brain immediately goes - well, I liked Midnight Addiction BEST (or Rebel Rouge BEST of the men’s line)

And that becomes my baseline for ‘taking advantage of’ a sale + 20% off coupon 🙃

When the truth is - their marketing just hijacked my brain and (almost) took advantage of ME (starting with that free $9.95 coupon that got my a$$ in the store sampling stuff in the first place) 😂

You know what would make me really happy? If my store had the Everyday Luxuries minis or the new Scent Lab minis in store - and I could use my FREE coupon on one of those (because I’m not paying for shipping or blind buying). Alas, I think I’ll be shopping my own collection this weekend ♥️

edit: typo