Unpopular opinion : New maps are good/decent
now hear me out before you start mass dwnvoting, i barely got to play 2 hours on the new maps since they dropped , but honestly speaking , the maps arent even bad . i get it , they are small and small = bad in this community, but if you take a look at the size of bounty and dealership they are actually pushing on the medium size , and the flow is actually amazing with 3 distinct routes/lanes you can go down through, that converge eventually around the middle of the map that gives you access to B flag and other routes/lanes. also another plus is plenty of flank routes that arent "highways" where youd trade some of your time in favor of getting a nice positional advantage behind enemy lines . the spawns also seems to be better on these new maps , i havent been revenge spawned a single time in my 2 hour session , usually on other maps it easily happens 2-3 times A MATCH ... its just my opinion , maybe now i view every new map as good after tasting whatever the hell red card is but thats just me
EDIT : ALSO the maps feel like COD , idk how to explain it, now they dont feel like old COD launch maps , but they feel like old DLC maps ,we take what we can get boys . they also dont have BS map design where one side is CLEARLY better like SCUD satellite the looks over the entire map and vircuda or idk wts it called that has the giant gear giving advantage to the team on that side meanwhile the opposition gets a tiny sand bag block that only fits one person. can somebody tell me how are you supposed to take B when you got 3 PPL on that gear head glitching constantly ? oh and dont get me started on extraction , if you have C spawn then congrats you won , cuz whoever designed that map thought that B overlooking A spawn is a great idea . Easiest way for me to tell if a map isn’t fairly balanced is when you can spawn trap on one flag but you can’t on the other