I realize that's a heavy word to use and it's one in which people associate different things with but after having yet again more work on my mouth this week, I got to thinking about how much I've been through because of this.
And maybe work on my teeth isn't necessarily related to this but I just associate any and everything in the space related.
I had two teeth pulled the other day. For the second time after I instantly got the shots in my mouth my hands started shaking and I was almost sobbing. It was embarrassing and it felt involuntary. Honest to god, I tried to stop it and eventually did but it was like a motor reflex that I couldn't control. And I don't know if it was some kind of defense mechanism (or just a reaction to the numbing agent shot) or something because of all the past work I've had done but freaked me out and I'm sure it freaked the people who were working on me out. But it made me curious if anyone else ever experienced something similar?
Is there anyone here that has experienced a lot of face work, mouth work and has had a knee jerk reaction? Whether it was mental, physical, or what-have-you in a surgical/office setting?
I'm trying to get to the root of this bizarre thing, as to whether it's just me or there is something tied to it having had people in my face for twenty plus years poking, prodding, fingering it, shooting it, telling me what's wrong with it and trying to fix it and it still not being fixed. I don't know if I'm brain broken on it or my psyche is just saying stop in terms of assaulting my face even though I consent to an operation, etc. Can't wrap my head around it.