How does Will Swan Write these Melodies?!
Let’s analyze the arguably best Secret Band song off of LP2 and by extension, also arguably, one of the best heavy metal songs of all time. At 1:12 at the beginning of the bridge before the main melody repeats, there is a very cool, albeit creepy melody coming from Will Swan ( right guitar ) that suits the song perfectly. Now the reason why I’m so intrigued is that I am sure I’ve heard something similar to that before. I am sure that melody has some inspiration from some sort of genre / regional music style. It sounds kind of Middle Eastern in some aspects or maybe even a but I’m not sure. Other times to me it sounds like a perverted type of church organ melody. What you guys think about it?
Let’s analyze the arguably best Secret Band song off of LP2 and by extension, also arguably, one of the best heavy metal songs of all time. At 1:12 at the beginning of the bridge before the main melody repeats, there is a very cool, albeit creepy melody coming from Will Swan ( right guitar ) that suits the song perfectly. Now the reason why I’m so intrigued is that I am sure I’ve heard something similar to that before. I am sure that melody has some inspiration from some sort of genre / regional music style. It sounds kind of Middle Eastern in some aspects or maybe even a but I’m not sure. Other times to me it sounds like a perverted type of church organ melody. What you guys think about it?