Need Smough’s Souls for Achievement plz

•info for matchmaking: pc, SL125, max upgraded weapon

Hi I am doing the “knight’s honor” achievement, but I accidentally used Smough’s soul instead of making boss weapon. And I really don’t feel like going another ng+ cycle for that, so could anyone drop/trade me Smough’s soul please. I can trade any other boss soul (except Ornstein, Smough, and Gwyn) in return.

Also, this is the first time I’m doing trading here on Reddit, so I apologize if there are any rules I’m not following. Thanks in advance.

p.s. I made a similar post a few minutes earlier, but in that post I confused the names of Ornstein and Smough, so I deleted that post and made this one. Just to clear things up in case someone saw the previous (now deleted) post.

Edit: trade completed.