Best 'terminal' coding and text editor option if I want to stick solely to debian stable packages?

Been slowly moving more and more of my computer activities to terminal with programs like Ranger for file management and the like.

But I have yet to fully move text/code editing over other than accessing config files for a bit with vim. Since the vim homerow movement bindings feel good I was thinking of hopping into neovim.

However, the fast pace of how the plugin space seems to work seems to conflict with stable nature of debian stable. Especially since the common plugin package manager requires 0.8 while the debian stable version is 0.7something.

After that I thought about emacs, which since most people appear to use the gui is a stretch to call a 'terminal' emulator. But the vim style configs for emacs say they are compatible with the debian stable version which is a plus. But possibly a huge learning curve for ALL the things emacs has.

And finally I saw kakoune which seems to be a rethinking of vim design philosophy, with 'reversed' target action style and a focus on invoking system utilities rather than just plugins?

Those are just what I have seen but would love advice and corrections if I just am misunderstanding everything.