Piss Test in 2-3 weeks

Bio: 22yrs, Male, 6’0”, 180lbs. Today was my first day abstaining from weed. I just found out the job I am interviewing for requires a negative urine test that I would be required to pass in 2-3 weeks. I have been a pretty heavy smoker, I just graduated college a month ago. At college I would take anywhere from 5-15 gravity bong hits in a day. Since graduation in late may, I have used a dab pen almost everyday, although I’ve not hit the pen more than 5 times a day since graduation as I’ve been trying to not be as much of a degenerate as I have been (Not a great improvement I know). To reiterate I fully quit weed this morning upon finding out about the urine test, and I am stressing a lot because this is my dream job opportunity. I need to test negative. I’m working as an assistant coach this summer where I’m standing outside in 90+ degree heat and drinking tons of fluids as my team plays on a turf field (which makes it feel way hotter than 90+ for those who don’t know). Does anyone have any advice on how to pass or cheat the drug test so I can get this job? I’d be more than happy to elaborate more if someone needs any more information about my current situation. I appreciate the help.