How do you cope when you're bleeding post-lap, and you don't like pads? :(

I had laparoscopic excision surgery, and they managed to remove everything in sight (yay!). The thing is that it's only been 5 days, and I'm already heavy-bleeding due to the surgery AND my period, which I got yesterday.

My doctor told me not to use tampons/ my menstrual cup during this time, and I have to say that while I'm not disgusted by my period AT ALL, I absolutely hate the feeling of coming out of the shower all clean, changing into fresh clothes and then get my privates all drenched in blood and clots. I respect all the girls who prefer them or use them because they have no other choice due to their pain, but I'm going crazy, and I feel like I'm about to lose it.

Did this happen to you? What did you do? Did you use your tampons/cups anyway?

I can't be the only one who feels this way :(

UPDATE: Ok, ok... So, I guess no foreign objects until next cycle. Know that I've waited too long to have this surgery to improve my condition, and I'm not about to throw it all away with an easily preventable infection. I'll just keep using the pads and continue to deal with it, LOL. Also, period undies or diapers don't sound any more attractive to me since I'd be having the same issue (feeling the blood/clots coming out and soiling the area), so that's going to be a big no. Thanks to all of you for taking the time to share your thoughts!