Advanced endo with no pain

Hello everyone, is anyone here suffering from silent endo and no pain as well? I just want to know your stories, because I recently got diagnosed with stage 3-4 endometriosis but had no period pain my entire life. I want to relate to you guys as this is news to me.

I still feel shocked but numb at the same time. Doctors said I should be thankful for not having extreme pain (in which I am truly grateful for), but also feels saddened.

My sister also has endometriosis, but she was diagnosed early on because of her intense and extremely painful period. All this time, I didn’t know I had it too and was worse. I told my bf about this and was shocked as well (we’re ldr and never had the thing), but wasn’t even empathetic and said he didn’t want to talk about it.

Idk, I just feel like venting out and want to feel like I’m not alone in this.